A few random things that I've been doing this month...
I've been spending lots and lots of time with Daddy. He's out of school this month and I'm home with him every day. We've been doing A LOT of playing!! Mostly indoors since it's super duper hot outside! I think Daddy finally got tired of it and needed some adult interaction last week. He went and played poker with the guys. ;)
Here's what we've been doing:
We played in my tunnel...and got stuck going through it!
We went to Mr. Stinky Feet & did some singing and dancing.
(In case you don't know, Mr. Stinky Feet is an award-winning children's entertainer.)
We went to storytime at the Library.
(That's me on the left in the blue & white stripes.)
there was an activity
And played with maracas! Shake, Shake, Shake!
We went to Zona Rosa shopping center and hung out.
(Daddy said we just needed to get out of the house.)
I haven't been very good about eating lately... still will eat fruit, but not much of anyting else.
Daddy and Mommy call it a hunger strike and sometimes it makes them really frustrated.
but I can always ham it up for the camera!
I'm also getting to be pretty good buds with Sadie.
I think she's finally getting used to me being around so she lets me hang out & play with her.
Mommy & Daddy decided that my hair grows too fast
and it's WAY too hot to have longer hair...
so they bought a clippers and now shave it themselves. It's much cooler!
Helping Mom sweep up the floor
Gramma & Grampa came for Mommy's birthday.
We went to the farmer's market and the pool that afternoon.
I enjoyed swinging with Papa!
Then they baby-sat me while Mommy & Daddy went to their friend Tricia's wedding.
Last weekend, Aunt Molly came to visit.
She brought me a giant coloring book and lots of crayons! It was so much fun!
Watching Daddy mow the grass