Friday, July 31, 2015

July 2015

More from July...
Kalia discovered jelly...and LOVED it!
We like to play trains in Mommy's boxes
Our air went kaput on Mommy's birthday. Boo.
This is how we chose to keep our cool.
Then Mommy took us to IHOP while Daddy's stayed w/ the guy who was fixing the air conditioner.
Eating Papa Larry's ribs...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

More fun at the Zoo!

Another family day at the zoo...
"Whoa, those are some BIG feet!"
Just talkin' to Nikita, the polar bear
Monkeying around...
All fun & games until someone gets hurt...literally.
Kalia got stung by a wasp. Boo. Luckily this is about as bad as it got. Thankfully, she's not allergic to wasps (as we found out that day).

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Boys night at the Royals

Dad took JUST ME to a Royals game! It was a bit cold for July - and rainy! We even had to wear pants and jackets! It was a late night...but LOTS of FUN!!
I brought Dad's old point & shoot camera so I could take my own pictures
We didn't even make it out of the parking lot & Dad found me like this

Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July on the Lake

We headed to Gramma & Grampa's on the lake for 4th of July weekend.
Kalia loved spending time with Molly's dog, Fozzie...though I'm not too sure he was fond of it.
We had fun on the boat
Kalia had fun with bubbles
I had fun with Gramma's flags...
then Kalia joined in...
maybe not quite sure what she was supposed to be doing...
then the neighbor girls joined and I led a flag parade
More boating...
Fun with Gramma & Molly
The typical toddler tantrum...
Delicious s'mores!!
Happy 4th!!
Fun on the beach
Treats from the 4th of July boat parade
a little lake water sucker won't hurt...right?
I even went tubing!!! I was a little scared, but Dad didn't drive the boat very fast.
On our way home, Kalia was so tired she fell asleep before we even left town!