Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 2016

A few random pictures from May:

Kalia's eating what we like to call a "snacky lunch" - each slot of an ice cube tray has something yummy in it. Everything from protein, fruits, veggies, and special things like M&M's!

Kalia's favorite song...

Beckett's favorite dance...

 LOVE playing with chalk!

Picture before church
Kalia & I  ate lunch outside in our playset

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend on the Farm

Mom took Kalia & I to Gramma & Grampa's on the farm for Memorial Day weekend. 
We found a giant snapping turtle on the gravel road on our way back to the house.
We went to Great Aunt Carol's for some swimming fun
Sunday evening we went to Uncle Marc's for a Memorial Day BBQ and Grampa finished putting Emma's playset together
I played some football with Evan
Emma was trying to help Papa 
The little girls thought the drill was so loud! 
Gramma made strawberry poke cake for dessert.
It was YUMMY!
Breakfast at Gramma & Papa's...
We don't get this cereal or donuts at home...
A trip to Castle Park & Bob's for lunch before we head home
Aunt Kelli & the kids came to play too!
Lunch time! It was really hot outside! 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Kalia at School

Kalia made this for her teacher at the end of the school year:

Her preschool class learned about the stages of a butterfly
At the end they released it into nature

She loves to paint
They make tents
She is learning to write her letters
Loves to bring special things to Show and Tell
They had a Kids Night In where siblings could come after hours for a pizza party and movie night! 

Going to the library is enjoyed by everyone
A little playing at the school playground
And this day was a special treat at Chick-fil-A!

Last day of school!