A few other things we did this month:
Field trip!
Turkeys in the backyard...
AND deer!
I did a slide show presentation during our school's leadership showcase
Kindness 4 Cory Day...showing kindness today and bringing treats to school & work
Kalia is finally getting the hang of riding a bike!
It was the month of the Nebraska flood. The red circle above is Gramma & Grandpa's house on the lake. It did not get flooded, but the river behind their house almost went over the bank (which would have flooded their house)! It was a close call and we're very lucky they didn't have any damage. The roads however, didn't fare well. The entire city of Columbus was surrounded by water for a couple days. No one could get in or out. Semi's were sitting in empty parking lots waiting to get out. Grocery stores were running out of food.
Kalia & Mom's sidewalk chalk
Brushing up on some baseball skills! I'm excited to start playing again!
Kalia singing in the shower
Mom went to Lincoln to the Michael Buble concert