I'm 15 months now and sure a busy little toddler! I don't like to sit still very long, except for when I'm watching a cartoon or looking at my books. I am ALWAYS on the go!
Here I am out of breath... I was running up and down the hallway waving my socks around!
I am also a growing boy! I am eating all table food now. My favorites right now are fruit (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, bananas, peaches, etc.) and anything with cheese! Mommy and Daddy think I may be teething right now. I've been drooling a lot lately, but I don't like to let them look in my mouth.
This is me and my friend, Fletcher. He'll be one soon. We met him and his Mommy & Daddy for lunch at the Legends. It was a good time and a very nice day.
This is Sadie before she got a bath. I thought it was silly that she was in my bathtub!
Gramma & Grampa came to see me last weekend. I played with them a lot!
But then it also rained most of Saturday... and I tried licking the raindrops off the window!
And we watched some cartoons...
Having a snack with Grampa...
Here I am helping Sadie with her ice cubes. (She loves getting ice cubes as a treat!) She was taking them out of the bucket and I was putting them back in the bucket... until one of them stuck to my hand.
That really scared me!
cute!! i love him licking the raindrops! :)